About Me
My name is Benjamin Merkli but everyone calls me Benji, I was born on the 18th of February in Hungary. When I was 12 we moved to Austria, I didn't speak the language back then and in the school I had to learn English too. So basically I had to learn two languages at the same time. It wasn't easy at first but over the years I've learned a lot.
How I got into drawing?
When I was 15 I was searching for a Justin Bieber song on YouTube and I was scrolling down and one video attached my eyes quickly. The video was about „how to draw a portrait of Justin Bieber“. I watched the video and I wanted to try it myself. So that was the moment when I got inspired by drawing. I remember when I was drawing all day long, when my classmates went out for parties on the weekend, while I stayed home and practiced all day long.
I wasn't really satisfied with the results first, so I was about to give up. After a few years I started to draw again and this time I was suprised how good I was. Then I went through some really bad relationships and it caused me some mental health problems and I wasn't feeling good at that moment so I stoped drawing for six years. What really helped me to get through this difficult times was the Thai BL series. Once I started watching a particular episode, I just couldn't stop watching it. So I watched the whole season within two days and it inspired me so much that I even started to learn their language.
2023 was the year when I said „it's enough!“ to myself. And I even set up a goal and started my own YouTube channel and of course I also started drawing and I wanted to challenge myself so I tried to draw with both hands and also upside down. I'm a right handed person but I discover that I can shade with my left hand. After a long break of six years, I was finally back and I created a lot of drawings and gameplay videos since then. (I'm also planing to do SFX makeup videos in the future and when I get a lot of views I will do some reaction videos too).
How I got into SFX makeup?
In 2018 I discovered my other passion for SFX Makeup looks. I thought if I can shade and draw on a paper so realisticly than I think I can do that shading on my face too.
I've also created some scary look too, you can see them in my Gallery options.
How I got into gaming?
I've always been a bit of a game addict back then, I just played Pokemon on my Nintendo DS all the time. Not only played on Nintendo DS but also on PC, PS2 and over the years of course I've expanded the consoles and the games accordingly. I'm also recording my gameplay and after hours or even days of editing I'm uploading it on my YouTube channel.
My main goal with my Website and with my YouTube channel is to build up a multicultural community. I've always wanted to have friends around the world.